5 Replies to “Letters Support from the Community”

  1. Dr. Felton Williams has been instrumental in providing all students, particularly underrepresented students of color, equitable access to education and community resources.

    He has been my mentor for several years, inspiring me as a teacher, and as a leader in my community.

    Dr. Williams’s passion for equity and social justice is at the heart of everything he does – and it is truly remarkable to witness.

    His reputation precedes him. His contributions to LBUSD are endless. His dedication to helping kids succeed is unparalleled, and definitely worth honoring.

  2. Felton called into my work yesterday and I was having a bad day I even left work for 3 hrs and came back I was that upset then I get a call from Felton 10min before I get to go home and I’m helping him out and we get to talking and he’s just putting a smile on my face talking about coming out to visit this state and I told him I probably wouldn’t come back home. Then at the end of the call he tells me that he wants me to be recognized on how great of a person I am with him he wants to speak with my supervisor so I get my supervisor and he tells them on how great of a representative I am for this company and you know what that made my night my day that made my life right there for him to say that. I want my number passed along to him so that he can call me and we can continue that conversation he made me so happy I was crying please pass this along to him so he can read this as well. 😁 I am not going to post my number here but please email me and I will give you my number to pass along to Felton please.

  3. Felton, is a strong voice in the Urban Community. He is very supportive. He has always been instrumental in the development of the Long Beach 6th District

  4. My name is Aaron Berryman and I am a resident and parent in Long Beach School district. I actually came to know Dr. Williams on a personal level as we would often see each other and chat in the mornings at the gym. Our conversations started off very light and casual but as I got to know him we had more in-depth conversations where I quickly realized what a special person he is. Through our conversations I learned about how committed he has been throughout his life to helping students in our district, particularly students of color who needed a voice to better their situations. I also learned of his involvement and leadership in the NAACP as a very young man making such a profound difference in the lives of so many who needed it.

    That alone impressed me but it was when I had the opportunity to see him operate in his role with the district when I was truly enlightened by his impact.

    My daughter was a student of the first class of Browning High School in Signal Hill. She was fortunate enough to become the ASB president and vice president in successive years. She was integral in speaking on behalf of the students for the newly opened school. As a result she had an opportunity to go to many events where she would interact with members of the district. As her father, I was fortunate enough to attend those events as well to see her speak and interact with leaders of her school and the district. It was at those meetings where I really got a chance to see what an impact Dr Williams had. We attended meetings where he advocated for the advancement of students, particularly those of color. I personally saw him go against the grain to ensure that students would get access and opportunities they needed to thrive in our schools and in life.

    Because of our history together, Dr Williams took a particular interest in my daughter and was very helpful by sharing his insights with her about leadership, education, and success.

    This was something that truly made in a difference in my daughter’s trajectory. Despite already having leadership roles at school, her interaction with Dr Williams really solidified her desire to be a leader and to make a difference in whatever way she could. She was intrigued by Dr Williams’ path and started learning more about the NAACP and the history of students of color in our nation. She also realized that she too can make a difference if she applied herself like Dr Williams did.

    For all of those reasons I am truly grateful for Dr Williams and all he has done for both my daughter and the community at large. I believe he would be an excellent and fitting person to have the school renamed after. It would be an honor for our city and for all of those who have been directly and indirectly touched by Dr Williams to have a high school named after him. It would also impact those future students attending the high school to know the sacrifices and leadership role that Dr Williams has had in their education and also give them hope that they too can make a positive and meaningful impact in the world.

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